The Personal Retreat
A powerful transformation for your life, a series of private one-on-one sessions with the creator of Alchemical Hypnotherapy, David Quigley
Many people have transformed their lives through the Personal Retreat that I offer. The Personal Retreat works in some ways like a residential treatment program in miniature. The program is flexible, but for example, twice a day, usually in morning and evening, they experience a deep healing session with me. Each session is one hour and fifty minutes in length. Then they are given a homework assignment which can be completed on their own . The goal of these assignments is to reinforce the radical principles behind all of my work, which is utterly different than most hypnosis therapy. I help my clients establish a daily bond with powerful inner resources that provide daily assistance in solving their presenting problems for the rest of their lives. An alchemical retreat is a transformation that lasts for a lifetime.
The range of issues my retreaters successfully address is a broad one. Some come to heal addictions; others permanently change eating habits. The undisturbed and nurturing environment helps many clients to access and clear the underlying causes of chronic illness from the subconscious mind in conjunction with medical treatment. One woman brought her mother, who was crippled with a stroke, and I showed her how she could help her mother’s recovery every day through simple body movements and visualization. Many have achieved remarkable healing of chronic anxiety, insomnia, phobias, even food and chemical allergies. For others it is about improving confidence in a new career, or overcoming feelings of inadequacy or social anxiety. Still others use this time to resolve their relationship problems, to allow love into their lives, or to change the subconscious programming that causes them to get stuck in the wrong kinds of relationships. Some even bring their partners with them. Frequently, couples will go from the bitter edge of separation to a total renewal of their love for each other once their issues are resolved.
A retreat is first of all an opportunity to let go of daily habits and the demands of a busy life in order to focus on healing of body, mind, and soul.
Many people have transformed their lives through the Personal Retreat that I offer. The Personal Retreat works in some ways like a residential treatment program in miniature. The program is flexible, but for example, twice a day, usually in morning and evening, they experience a deep healing session with me. Each session is one hour and fifty minutes in length. Then they are given a homework assignment which can be completed on their own . The goal of these assignments is to reinforce the radical principles behind all of my work, which is utterly different than most hypnosis therapy. I help my clients establish a daily bond with powerful inner resources that provide daily assistance in solving their presenting problems for the rest of their lives. An alchemical retreat is a transformation that lasts for a lifetime.
The range of issues my retreaters successfully address is a broad one. Some come to heal addictions; others permanently change eating habits. The undisturbed and nurturing environment helps many clients to access and clear the underlying causes of chronic illness from the subconscious mind in conjunction with medical treatment. One woman brought her mother, who was crippled with a stroke, and I showed her how she could help her mother’s recovery every day through simple body movements and visualization. Many have achieved remarkable healing of chronic anxiety, insomnia, phobias, even food and chemical allergies. For others it is about improving confidence in a new career, or overcoming feelings of inadequacy or social anxiety. Still others use this time to resolve their relationship problems, to allow love into their lives, or to change the subconscious programming that causes them to get stuck in the wrong kinds of relationships. Some even bring their partners with them. Frequently, couples will go from the bitter edge of separation to a total renewal of their love for each other once their issues are resolved.
A retreat is first of all an opportunity to let go of daily habits and the demands of a busy life in order to focus on healing of body, mind, and soul.
My clients report that this retreat is far more powerful than any they have done before. In up to 8 hours of one-on-one therapy with me, you can address your presenting issues with unprecedented focus and skill. Plus you will be given homework to do between sessions. The principle of ‘homework’ is as simple as it is revolutionary: I am helping clients build their own internal resources that they can use to solve their problems. One client’s homework after a session is to call on her inner mate to bring her comfort and guidance about her love life. Another is asked to receive a dream (or a vision after a night’s sleep) about the underlying cause of a tumor. Another client practices calling on her inner warrior to assist in a difficult confrontation with an abusive ex, which she handles in her hotel room. Often, written assignments are included. (“Write down all the qualities a real father should have to help you with this.”) Then each client reports their results to me and most clients say they are excited about the powerful results they are having right away. They are learning to call on the wisdom already inside them, with ease and power.
Sometimes I hear: “Well I tried but I couldn’t get there!” Far from representing a failure of the process, this perceived failure (typical of most beginners to spiritual work) gives both of us the opportunity to do one of two critical moves. First, I may help my client to access in trance the underlying subconscious cause of this block. “I feel I would betray my mom to call on a new mother!” is but one example of what trance might reveal. Then we can fix the problem quickly. “So now we have acknowledged how much mother tried and how much you love her. Good. And now we ask her blessing as we help your little girl find a new helper mommy for her, while your adult will always honor her as mother. Okay?”
Sometimes I hear: “Well I tried but I couldn’t get there!” Far from representing a failure of the process, this perceived failure (typical of most beginners to spiritual work) gives both of us the opportunity to do one of two critical moves. First, I may help my client to access in trance the underlying subconscious cause of this block. “I feel I would betray my mom to call on a new mother!” is but one example of what trance might reveal. Then we can fix the problem quickly. “So now we have acknowledged how much mother tried and how much you love her. Good. And now we ask her blessing as we help your little girl find a new helper mommy for her, while your adult will always honor her as mother. Okay?”
Sometimes we simply need to practice the summoning process again and again to develop the skill. (“So we forgot to call on the gift and touch your heart with a deep breath? Okay. Let’s practice that again.”) Like learning to ride a bicycle, with a little practice it is easy for most people to learn to call on those inner resources. And during a personal retreat there are few distractions, so it is easy to perform that practice every hour. My thirty years of experience as an Alchemist is available for every need. But just like learning to ride a bicycle, one has to fall off, then get back up and get back on. My retreats are the perfect environment in which to develop these skills, whether you are resting in your hotel room, lounging by the pool, walking the beautiful wooded hills or practicing new eating habits at the organic café next to my office.
Some folks say they would just prefer that I take them ‘under hypnosis’ and erase their drug cravings, fix their back pain or heal their self esteem, then wake them up when I am done. The problem with this approach is twofold. First, the subconscious mind has its own reasons for creating the problem. Much of my job is making these motivations conscious, and teaching my clients to address these unresolved pains and unmet needs.
I believe that despite the major advances of modern medicine in treating numerous diseases, modern medicine has mostly ignored the underlying subconscious causes. And patients pay the price when their diseases or similar ones often return in a few months or years. My job as a hypnotherapist is to fill this gap in the modern practice of medicine, not just to use hypnotic suggestion to command the symptoms to disappear. Too often the apparent ease of modern medication (and modern hypnosis!) in removing symptoms has left my clients clueless to solve the underlying issues their pain is trying to bring to their attention. They are unaware that much more is needed than pain control to solve their problem. One client suffered chronic back pain. I took her in trance to where she discovered how her walking habits were causing her back pain. Then, in trance, her body showed her a new way of walking that relieved the pain. She felt the results immediately, and spent the next two days practicing the new walk successfully. I never used any pain control hypnosis with her, and her problem was solved.
My work is about far more than solving the presenting problem. I am helping my client build internal resources of love and nurturing whose help will go far beyond the solution to their current dilemma. An inner warrior, for example, not only motivates us to exercise and play outdoors in order to lose weight, this powerful resource also gives us confidence in a job search and help in confronting difficult relatives at a family outing. Contact with this powerful guide can even help us lift our depression! I saw a client some years after a retreat program, and was pleased to see her new fit body. She had not only lost some 20 pounds, but had added a lot of muscle tone and trimness to her body. “Your secret?” I asked her. “Every day the inner warrior you fixed me up with gets me out there walking, riding, and running.” she replied. And she assured me that her weight loss was only a tiny fraction of the help her inner warrior had brought to her life, including a fulfilling new career as an entrepreneur. If you want long term results, it is these internal resources who will bring them. And a two day retreat with me can be the best way to learn and practice (without distractions) how to contact and use these resources every day. I am reminded of that old adage:
“Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach him to fish, feed him for a lifetime."
Some folks say they would just prefer that I take them ‘under hypnosis’ and erase their drug cravings, fix their back pain or heal their self esteem, then wake them up when I am done. The problem with this approach is twofold. First, the subconscious mind has its own reasons for creating the problem. Much of my job is making these motivations conscious, and teaching my clients to address these unresolved pains and unmet needs.
I believe that despite the major advances of modern medicine in treating numerous diseases, modern medicine has mostly ignored the underlying subconscious causes. And patients pay the price when their diseases or similar ones often return in a few months or years. My job as a hypnotherapist is to fill this gap in the modern practice of medicine, not just to use hypnotic suggestion to command the symptoms to disappear. Too often the apparent ease of modern medication (and modern hypnosis!) in removing symptoms has left my clients clueless to solve the underlying issues their pain is trying to bring to their attention. They are unaware that much more is needed than pain control to solve their problem. One client suffered chronic back pain. I took her in trance to where she discovered how her walking habits were causing her back pain. Then, in trance, her body showed her a new way of walking that relieved the pain. She felt the results immediately, and spent the next two days practicing the new walk successfully. I never used any pain control hypnosis with her, and her problem was solved.
My work is about far more than solving the presenting problem. I am helping my client build internal resources of love and nurturing whose help will go far beyond the solution to their current dilemma. An inner warrior, for example, not only motivates us to exercise and play outdoors in order to lose weight, this powerful resource also gives us confidence in a job search and help in confronting difficult relatives at a family outing. Contact with this powerful guide can even help us lift our depression! I saw a client some years after a retreat program, and was pleased to see her new fit body. She had not only lost some 20 pounds, but had added a lot of muscle tone and trimness to her body. “Your secret?” I asked her. “Every day the inner warrior you fixed me up with gets me out there walking, riding, and running.” she replied. And she assured me that her weight loss was only a tiny fraction of the help her inner warrior had brought to her life, including a fulfilling new career as an entrepreneur. If you want long term results, it is these internal resources who will bring them. And a two day retreat with me can be the best way to learn and practice (without distractions) how to contact and use these resources every day. I am reminded of that old adage:
“Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach him to fish, feed him for a lifetime."
Three considerations to make before booking your retreat:
1. MOTIVATION: You must be willing to find and address the underlying cause of your condition. You don’t need to know how; that’s my job. But you must have the courage to face the truth inside you. And you must be ready to embrace these inner resources for your daily life. I won’t waste your money, nor use my time with someone who is not willing to do their own work. I have dismissed clients (with a full refund) if their dedication to this work is not clear to me or if they prove unable to enter a receptive state of trance. So think carefully before reserving a retreat with me. Are you truly ready to explore the underlying cause of your condition in the subconscious mind? Are you truly ready to learn how to use your own inner resources every day to solve your problem? If so, prepare for a miracle.
“And now, Joe, every night before bed you can touch the area of your wife’s tumor…just like this… while reminding her of all that she has learned today. And before each medical treatment you help her with these movements and suggestions…here’s how.”
“And now Mary, every time you feel a craving to use, you can take your frightened sad child to your boyfriend, and he will remind you to call on your new inner mother to comfort her. Here’s how to do this, Fred.”
“So you can see here, Susan, how your mother’s inner healer wants you to move and touch her hand so feeling can be restored…let’s practice that now, with the color work we practiced yesterday…got that?”
The retreat experience can be used to heal relationship issues between family members through couples trance work. Here is an example from a recent couple, whose relationship was utterly transformed:
“So Dana, when you become scared that Bill is unfaithful, here’s the new strategy. First, you remember instead of calling on your Ice Queen to withdraw and punish him, you will call on your new inner father to remind you that Bill has changed his ways, as his presence with you in my office has clearly demonstrated. And Bill, if you see the Ice Queen emerging, your task is to remind yourself that her little child is scared. That’s what she is doing to protect herself. So you just reach over there and hug little Dana and remind her you are a different man now…like that, yes. Now let’s practice that skill. Bill is two hours late from work. Now he walks in. Dana, your response?...and Bill?..”
“And now Mary, every time you feel a craving to use, you can take your frightened sad child to your boyfriend, and he will remind you to call on your new inner mother to comfort her. Here’s how to do this, Fred.”
“So you can see here, Susan, how your mother’s inner healer wants you to move and touch her hand so feeling can be restored…let’s practice that now, with the color work we practiced yesterday…got that?”
The retreat experience can be used to heal relationship issues between family members through couples trance work. Here is an example from a recent couple, whose relationship was utterly transformed:
“So Dana, when you become scared that Bill is unfaithful, here’s the new strategy. First, you remember instead of calling on your Ice Queen to withdraw and punish him, you will call on your new inner father to remind you that Bill has changed his ways, as his presence with you in my office has clearly demonstrated. And Bill, if you see the Ice Queen emerging, your task is to remind yourself that her little child is scared. That’s what she is doing to protect herself. So you just reach over there and hug little Dana and remind her you are a different man now…like that, yes. Now let’s practice that skill. Bill is two hours late from work. Now he walks in. Dana, your response?...and Bill?..”
I do my best to return all calls within 48 hours. Call my cell phone or use the contact link below
Cost: A Retreat Program of four or more sessions saves you 10% off the single session cost.
I offer a free 15 minute consultation to help you determine if my work can assist you. Look through the website articles to see some of the major areas I specialize in and call me with any questions. (707) 888-8403.
Are you ready to discover and use the powers of your own inner world to resolve your problem?
I do my best to return all calls within 48 hours. Call my cell phone or use the contact link below
Cost: A Retreat Program of four or more sessions saves you 10% off the single session cost.
I offer a free 15 minute consultation to help you determine if my work can assist you. Look through the website articles to see some of the major areas I specialize in and call me with any questions. (707) 888-8403.
Are you ready to discover and use the powers of your own inner world to resolve your problem?