Resetting the paradigm of death with
truths revealed by SCIENCE
Based on Americans reactions to the "tragedy" of death ripping away our loved ones forever it might be easy for all of us who have experienced such loss to descend into terror and grief at the mere thought of losing our beloved friends and family.
In fact this terrible moral paradox may be quite easy to solve. It simply requires that our society reset it's paradigm of what death actually is in order to reflect a healthier and more scientific perspective.
This is the first problem with Death in our culture. Elizabeth Kübler-Ross called it "denial." Not being properly informed about death or trained to face it...either for oneself or very uncomfortable, especially for Americans who are proud of their knowledge about most everything. So our discomfort requires to go into angry denial whenever we experience the cold breath of death on our backs. Much of our refusal to acknowledge the real threat this pandemic poses is founded on this very denial.
So we ignore death. Deny it. pretend it doesn't exist. Defy covid..and death at every turn. Even when the body is exhausted and the spirit is simply ready to go.
Or worse. In the face of this terrifying unknown we accept the dogma of death and its probable aftermath from one of two completely irrational "religions" and ignore the real science of death and the afterlife, a science which has tracked over 4 million resurrection. (return from clinical death) experiences and has arrived at some very exact conclusions about this experience.
These two irrational religions don't want you to know the facts about the souls survival of death. I'll let you do the math as to why they choose to keep you ignorant.
First, the religion that calls itself "science" but is in fact a dogmatic faith called "scientific materialism". What this means is that every time a research subject reports a "near death experience" the "true scientist" is required to debunk this experience. Regardless of precise details the patient can give of events in the operating room and in the rest of the world that is easily verified and impossible to explain except by an out of body vision. No matter what...even if the subjects brain and body are completely lifeless. Even if they wake up on an autopsy table hours after clinical death. The "scientist" must find a way to debunk it. Even if they have to question the sanity of the subject. And they will.
Ask anyone who has tried to talk to the "scientists" about their after death experience. Even doctors who have returned back from the dead find their colleagues dismissing their new "insanity." Ask my friend and best selling author Rajiv Parti.
FYI. This is not science. Fanatical materialistic dogmatism. Yes. Denial of factual evidence. Yes. Scientific? No.
The second flawed perspective is that universal Christian belief system that when you die believers go to heaven. And non believers go to hell. And this lucrative system of lies is easy to preserve. All we have to do is convince the gullible masses that it's very very bad to try to talk to "ghosts"...our relatives who have passed on, because they look suspiciously like witches, demons, and zombies...satanic creatures we should have no truck with. Just stick with Jesus' blood everybody. Pay no attention to the voices of the dead...trying to educate you to the lies you are being told by your church.
While life after death offers a rich load of beautiful experiences for the souls evolution, one of the most important is offering comfort and guidance to our friends and family on the Earth plane. When Aunt Tillie is dead...she can remain a close friend. We can visit with her anytime. And hear her words of peace and wisdom. And get her apple strudel recipe.
And have her tell you about her after life. Fill you in about what's really up there. She can describe a Heaven where Christian Muslim and Jew worship together the God of all faiths. And you can share little Mary's graduation pictures with her.
That's the truth about death.
If it needs to take Aunt Tillie's body from us...we may not be able to stop it.
But it will never take Aunt Tillie from us. We are holding on to her spirit and we are not letting go.
But most important. Please know the friend of all humanity. The friend called Death. It is here to ease our suffering. It was never intended to take our loved ones from us. Like our first resurrected friend, Jesus, these 4 million survivors of a death and rebirth experience have much to teach us.
Should we let their death...and their in vain?
Death does not rob us of our beloved friends and family. We do that to ourselves.
by David Quigley
Contact me by phone or Whatsapp: 707-888-8403
Or email to: [email protected]
In fact this terrible moral paradox may be quite easy to solve. It simply requires that our society reset it's paradigm of what death actually is in order to reflect a healthier and more scientific perspective.
This is the first problem with Death in our culture. Elizabeth Kübler-Ross called it "denial." Not being properly informed about death or trained to face it...either for oneself or very uncomfortable, especially for Americans who are proud of their knowledge about most everything. So our discomfort requires to go into angry denial whenever we experience the cold breath of death on our backs. Much of our refusal to acknowledge the real threat this pandemic poses is founded on this very denial.
So we ignore death. Deny it. pretend it doesn't exist. Defy covid..and death at every turn. Even when the body is exhausted and the spirit is simply ready to go.
Or worse. In the face of this terrifying unknown we accept the dogma of death and its probable aftermath from one of two completely irrational "religions" and ignore the real science of death and the afterlife, a science which has tracked over 4 million resurrection. (return from clinical death) experiences and has arrived at some very exact conclusions about this experience.
These two irrational religions don't want you to know the facts about the souls survival of death. I'll let you do the math as to why they choose to keep you ignorant.
First, the religion that calls itself "science" but is in fact a dogmatic faith called "scientific materialism". What this means is that every time a research subject reports a "near death experience" the "true scientist" is required to debunk this experience. Regardless of precise details the patient can give of events in the operating room and in the rest of the world that is easily verified and impossible to explain except by an out of body vision. No matter what...even if the subjects brain and body are completely lifeless. Even if they wake up on an autopsy table hours after clinical death. The "scientist" must find a way to debunk it. Even if they have to question the sanity of the subject. And they will.
Ask anyone who has tried to talk to the "scientists" about their after death experience. Even doctors who have returned back from the dead find their colleagues dismissing their new "insanity." Ask my friend and best selling author Rajiv Parti.
FYI. This is not science. Fanatical materialistic dogmatism. Yes. Denial of factual evidence. Yes. Scientific? No.
The second flawed perspective is that universal Christian belief system that when you die believers go to heaven. And non believers go to hell. And this lucrative system of lies is easy to preserve. All we have to do is convince the gullible masses that it's very very bad to try to talk to "ghosts"...our relatives who have passed on, because they look suspiciously like witches, demons, and zombies...satanic creatures we should have no truck with. Just stick with Jesus' blood everybody. Pay no attention to the voices of the dead...trying to educate you to the lies you are being told by your church.
While life after death offers a rich load of beautiful experiences for the souls evolution, one of the most important is offering comfort and guidance to our friends and family on the Earth plane. When Aunt Tillie is dead...she can remain a close friend. We can visit with her anytime. And hear her words of peace and wisdom. And get her apple strudel recipe.
And have her tell you about her after life. Fill you in about what's really up there. She can describe a Heaven where Christian Muslim and Jew worship together the God of all faiths. And you can share little Mary's graduation pictures with her.
That's the truth about death.
If it needs to take Aunt Tillie's body from us...we may not be able to stop it.
But it will never take Aunt Tillie from us. We are holding on to her spirit and we are not letting go.
But most important. Please know the friend of all humanity. The friend called Death. It is here to ease our suffering. It was never intended to take our loved ones from us. Like our first resurrected friend, Jesus, these 4 million survivors of a death and rebirth experience have much to teach us.
Should we let their death...and their in vain?
Death does not rob us of our beloved friends and family. We do that to ourselves.
by David Quigley
Contact me by phone or Whatsapp: 707-888-8403
Or email to: [email protected]
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