HEALING CANCER WITH HYPNOSIS TESTIMONIALSOn its own and in support of traditional therapies, Alchemical Hypnosis offers techniques that greatly enhance the body's ability to cure itself. This can happen because hypnosis gets to the psychological root of the cancer and helps the client heal the underlying cause. In this section we share several remarkable healing testimonials.
Healing Cancer: A Rock Named Rose
by Susan Justice

On the evening before my thirty-seventh birthday, I found myself in a great deal of pain which lead me to the emergency room of Marin General Hospital. When a tumor of unknown origin was found to be the cause of the pain, everything in my life began to change. The prognosis was not good. I was told that the tumor had to be removed. That it had spread throughout my pelvis and into my leg and was growing rapidly. Unfortunately the only way they could remove it was to perform a hemipelvectomy, the removal of my leg and hip. The doctor said I had about six months to live otherwise. Well, that was a lot to accept. And I couldn't accept it. I had a four year old son. I was young but suddenly my life was nearly over. I felt that I probably wouldn't live through that surgery and if I did that I would die of depression anyway. There had to be another way!
I was alone in my hospital room in the evening after being told that a tumor was growing in my body. My heart was open and I was feeling the beauty of the little lights twinkling on the hillside outside my window and appreciating the flowers that filled my room, and I knew that I was not alone. I knew then that I wanted to live and to heal my life. To heal all the pain that had brought me to this point. In the stillness of that moment, an inner voice told me that I was going to be okay, that I had important work to do, and to let it begin now. This message became the foundation for my faith.
After weeks of test and surgeries, I said no to the hemipelvectomy and without even realizing what I was doing, I went straight toward Spirit for my healing. I became a spiritual warrior on a quest to heal my life. I felt that the pain I carried in my heart had created this illness. I knew that I had to learn to love myself in a much greater way and to forgive myself and all others. I had a lot of spiritual support around me and my faith was strong. I asked that I be guided to the highest healing places for me and that I be allowed to live and to heal my life, so that I might be a living example of God's great healing energy. And I was guided. I worked with some remarkable healers that helped me to gain a better understanding about illness and healing and about myself.
It was during this time I was guided to Alchemical Hypnotherapy. With its gentle and powerful processes, I was able to get to the heart of the matter quickly, which is what I needed. It helped me clear away the misconceptions that I carried about myself and others that caused me pain and suffering. It was a pathway that showed me how to love myself as I recovered and discovered lost parts of my Self, including the deepest and most divine places within me. Because I was in great need of healing, I was willing to do whatever it took to find a way to heal.
My biggest single breakthrough happened on a beautiful autumn day. I remember how the colors and the fresh air and the beauty touched my awareness. Every breath I took was filled with gratitude, just for being alive and somehow knowing I was being guided. That day I was gently guided on an Alchemical journey inside my body to meet the tumor that was growing there. I was surprised to find a smooth shiny black rock there. This moved me to tears because my image of the tumor until then was of a rock with very rough and pointed edges. I had actually found a rock that fit my thoughts and image of the tumor, it was heavy and jagged and filled with crystals and I ceremoniously smashed that rock to smithereens with a sledgehammer, demanding the tumor to leave my body. I was serious about it.
When I met this smooth shiny black rock something very different was evoked within me. I knew I was making progress. This was a much different and better image. My hypnotherapist guided me to speak with this rock that represented the tumor. To ask whatever questions I wanted to ask. The first question I asked was, "Why did you come here?" The reply was, "I was asked to come here." By whom? "By little Susie. Listen, she is here." The little girl I met that day was frightened, lonely and indeed, abandoned. She was terribly frightened in so many ways. There was fear of abuse and abandonment, fear of others' anger, and fear that she really didn't deserve to be loved. I was so deeply moved by this child part of myself. How long she had been neglected. As I talked with her and tried to win her trust, I asked her how I could help. She said she wanted to be free, free to be herself and express love and joy as much as she could. But there had been so much fear and pain that she didn't know whether she could stand to live any longer. I found a strength and power within me that made a bold rescue of the little girl, and I made a vow to give her all the love, freedom, attention and healing that she needed. She was no longer abandoned and alone. I had recovered a part of myself that was essential to my healing.
Together we returned to speak with the tumor and I asked the shiny black rock what is your name?" The reply was "Rose." This made me cry because that was the name I had chosen to give to the baby girl I was trying to conceive when the tumor was discovered. I asked, "Why did you come to me in this way?" The response changed my awareness forever. "I came to help you. You were needing to make important changes in your life that you were afraid to make on your own. I heard your call for help." The tumor had come to help me! I cried as I came to realize and accept that this illness was here to teach me and to help me.
I made friends with the tumor that day and I made a connection with my inner child. These experiences changed the course of my life. From that moment on I wholeheartedly listened to the wisdom of the illness and I embraced my inner child. By loving her I have learned to love all of my Self, deeply, gently, with compassion and kindness and to release the past and to forgive. I had found at last the inner strength and spiritual resources needed to make the necessary changes. Answers came from within me and I learned to trust myself and believe in myself. I made many changes in my life over those years. Two and a half years later the tumor was completely gone. It has now been twelve years since that night in the emergency room my cancer remains in "remission". More importantly, to this day little Susie is an integral part of my life and her new happiness fills my life with joy.
I was alone in my hospital room in the evening after being told that a tumor was growing in my body. My heart was open and I was feeling the beauty of the little lights twinkling on the hillside outside my window and appreciating the flowers that filled my room, and I knew that I was not alone. I knew then that I wanted to live and to heal my life. To heal all the pain that had brought me to this point. In the stillness of that moment, an inner voice told me that I was going to be okay, that I had important work to do, and to let it begin now. This message became the foundation for my faith.
After weeks of test and surgeries, I said no to the hemipelvectomy and without even realizing what I was doing, I went straight toward Spirit for my healing. I became a spiritual warrior on a quest to heal my life. I felt that the pain I carried in my heart had created this illness. I knew that I had to learn to love myself in a much greater way and to forgive myself and all others. I had a lot of spiritual support around me and my faith was strong. I asked that I be guided to the highest healing places for me and that I be allowed to live and to heal my life, so that I might be a living example of God's great healing energy. And I was guided. I worked with some remarkable healers that helped me to gain a better understanding about illness and healing and about myself.
It was during this time I was guided to Alchemical Hypnotherapy. With its gentle and powerful processes, I was able to get to the heart of the matter quickly, which is what I needed. It helped me clear away the misconceptions that I carried about myself and others that caused me pain and suffering. It was a pathway that showed me how to love myself as I recovered and discovered lost parts of my Self, including the deepest and most divine places within me. Because I was in great need of healing, I was willing to do whatever it took to find a way to heal.
My biggest single breakthrough happened on a beautiful autumn day. I remember how the colors and the fresh air and the beauty touched my awareness. Every breath I took was filled with gratitude, just for being alive and somehow knowing I was being guided. That day I was gently guided on an Alchemical journey inside my body to meet the tumor that was growing there. I was surprised to find a smooth shiny black rock there. This moved me to tears because my image of the tumor until then was of a rock with very rough and pointed edges. I had actually found a rock that fit my thoughts and image of the tumor, it was heavy and jagged and filled with crystals and I ceremoniously smashed that rock to smithereens with a sledgehammer, demanding the tumor to leave my body. I was serious about it.
When I met this smooth shiny black rock something very different was evoked within me. I knew I was making progress. This was a much different and better image. My hypnotherapist guided me to speak with this rock that represented the tumor. To ask whatever questions I wanted to ask. The first question I asked was, "Why did you come here?" The reply was, "I was asked to come here." By whom? "By little Susie. Listen, she is here." The little girl I met that day was frightened, lonely and indeed, abandoned. She was terribly frightened in so many ways. There was fear of abuse and abandonment, fear of others' anger, and fear that she really didn't deserve to be loved. I was so deeply moved by this child part of myself. How long she had been neglected. As I talked with her and tried to win her trust, I asked her how I could help. She said she wanted to be free, free to be herself and express love and joy as much as she could. But there had been so much fear and pain that she didn't know whether she could stand to live any longer. I found a strength and power within me that made a bold rescue of the little girl, and I made a vow to give her all the love, freedom, attention and healing that she needed. She was no longer abandoned and alone. I had recovered a part of myself that was essential to my healing.
Together we returned to speak with the tumor and I asked the shiny black rock what is your name?" The reply was "Rose." This made me cry because that was the name I had chosen to give to the baby girl I was trying to conceive when the tumor was discovered. I asked, "Why did you come to me in this way?" The response changed my awareness forever. "I came to help you. You were needing to make important changes in your life that you were afraid to make on your own. I heard your call for help." The tumor had come to help me! I cried as I came to realize and accept that this illness was here to teach me and to help me.
I made friends with the tumor that day and I made a connection with my inner child. These experiences changed the course of my life. From that moment on I wholeheartedly listened to the wisdom of the illness and I embraced my inner child. By loving her I have learned to love all of my Self, deeply, gently, with compassion and kindness and to release the past and to forgive. I had found at last the inner strength and spiritual resources needed to make the necessary changes. Answers came from within me and I learned to trust myself and believe in myself. I made many changes in my life over those years. Two and a half years later the tumor was completely gone. It has now been twelve years since that night in the emergency room my cancer remains in "remission". More importantly, to this day little Susie is an integral part of my life and her new happiness fills my life with joy.
Maggie Caffery, a certified Alchemical Hypnotherapist shares her own experience with Breast Cancer

There is no experience in life that compels us to connect to our internal wisdom more than a close encounter with death. I have just completed such an encounter. As fate would have it, I was in the middle of David's hypnotherapy training when I received a diagnosis of DCIS (Ductile Carcinoma Insitu) in my left breast. Micro-calcifications in my breast tissue showed up on my mammogram and in a biopsy to reveal this condition.
My consulting surgeon advised a mastectomy followed by reconstructive surgery. The unspoken agenda was that without these treatments I’d be in serious trouble. YIKES! I went into a state of shock. My surgeon called often to check on me, each time arousing new fears. I visited the reconstructive surgeon as well, and was also filled with fear in this encounter.
I confided in David what was going on. He asked me if I would be willing to share with the class what I was going through, and maybe do a session in front of the group. With some trepidation I agreed. This session with David was a pivotal point. Under his expert guidance and with the loving support of the class, I got in touch with the little girl in me who was frightened, maybe even terrorized. Then I saw the Judge, that voice within me that was giving the little girl such a hard time for the human emotions she was experiencing. David called upon the loving mother within me to nurture and comfort the little girl, to give her the support and the kindness she was missing. He convinced the judge to take a different attitude, one of cooperation rather than sabotage. Then another feminine aspect was brought in, the inner healer. Soon, thanks to David’s intuitive skill, all of my inner voices were mobilized in support of my health.
Now I knew what direction to pursue for my healing. I chose to research alternative healing methods that felt comforting and nurturing. I decided to only have contact with doctors, therapists, and friends supportive of my choices. Whenever I noticed stressful sensations, I called upon my loving inner mother and inner healer. I took an active stance in owning health and well being, reminding everyone not to project cancer onto me. This was not an identity I wanted to indulge in.
In this process I recognized that the disease in my body was simply a reflection of what my subconscious mind was thinking, feeling, and believing. So to take care of my body I needed to change these patterns of belief. I needed to know that there was nothing “wrong” with my body, so I could release the deep fear, nurture myself and my body with unconditional love, and let my body restore its own balance.
After living with a DCIS diagnosis for six months, I had a thermogram. A thermogram is a noninvasive but highly accurate way to examine breast tissue for malignant growths using infrared light. A specialist at the Thermography Center in Sebastopol, CA assured me the results were normal.
Thank you Life for giving me the challenges I need to own my own power in healing, work, and play. Thanks to my inner mother and my inner healer for their gift of breast health. And thank you David for the role you played as an extraordinary facilitator to this awakening.
My consulting surgeon advised a mastectomy followed by reconstructive surgery. The unspoken agenda was that without these treatments I’d be in serious trouble. YIKES! I went into a state of shock. My surgeon called often to check on me, each time arousing new fears. I visited the reconstructive surgeon as well, and was also filled with fear in this encounter.
I confided in David what was going on. He asked me if I would be willing to share with the class what I was going through, and maybe do a session in front of the group. With some trepidation I agreed. This session with David was a pivotal point. Under his expert guidance and with the loving support of the class, I got in touch with the little girl in me who was frightened, maybe even terrorized. Then I saw the Judge, that voice within me that was giving the little girl such a hard time for the human emotions she was experiencing. David called upon the loving mother within me to nurture and comfort the little girl, to give her the support and the kindness she was missing. He convinced the judge to take a different attitude, one of cooperation rather than sabotage. Then another feminine aspect was brought in, the inner healer. Soon, thanks to David’s intuitive skill, all of my inner voices were mobilized in support of my health.
Now I knew what direction to pursue for my healing. I chose to research alternative healing methods that felt comforting and nurturing. I decided to only have contact with doctors, therapists, and friends supportive of my choices. Whenever I noticed stressful sensations, I called upon my loving inner mother and inner healer. I took an active stance in owning health and well being, reminding everyone not to project cancer onto me. This was not an identity I wanted to indulge in.
In this process I recognized that the disease in my body was simply a reflection of what my subconscious mind was thinking, feeling, and believing. So to take care of my body I needed to change these patterns of belief. I needed to know that there was nothing “wrong” with my body, so I could release the deep fear, nurture myself and my body with unconditional love, and let my body restore its own balance.
After living with a DCIS diagnosis for six months, I had a thermogram. A thermogram is a noninvasive but highly accurate way to examine breast tissue for malignant growths using infrared light. A specialist at the Thermography Center in Sebastopol, CA assured me the results were normal.
Thank you Life for giving me the challenges I need to own my own power in healing, work, and play. Thanks to my inner mother and my inner healer for their gift of breast health. And thank you David for the role you played as an extraordinary facilitator to this awakening.
Susan Spiegel Solovay, professional hypnotherapist, teacher and coach talks about her healing experience with Ovarian Cancer

When I learned I had Stage 3 Ovarian Cancer, I could not have been more stunned. I was one of the happiest, most energetic people I knew; surely I did not look or feel like someone afflicted with cancer.
The doctors recommended immediate surgery, both a hysterectomy and debulking the cancer, which had spread to the surrounding organs. They told me after I recovered from surgery that we would embark upon 6 months of chemotherapy.
My first reaction was to resist this harsh treatment. After all, I wanted to look for alternative ways to heal. The research was clear, however. By the time ovarian cancer is at stage 3, your best chance of survival comes from taking the proven poison: surgery plus chemo as a means to clear out the physical problem. But I knew that to be assured of surviving this especially dangerous enemy, I would have to clear out the underlying causes of disease on the emotional, mental, and spiritual planes.
I turned to the most potent inner clearing work I knew: Alchemical Hypnosis. If there was any truth to my deep seated belief, that there is an underlying emotional issue underneath any illness, I was determined to clear that in the most effective way possible.
I began immediately. I set up appointments with my favorite hypnotist/Alchemical Hypnosis healer. She helped prepare me for surgery as well as clear out a deep layer of stuck energy in my ovaries. Little did I realize, until our session, that I was still holding sadness, resentment and anger there, from a trauma 16 years earlier.
After surgery, and for many weeks of recuperation, I was able to use self-hypnosis and self-alchemy, as I am an experienced Alchemist. I contacted and cleared a nasty inner-Nazi task-master. This was a past life part; imagine - I was carrying around an inner ‘slave-driver’ who was punishing me for not doing more with my life!!! Alchemy taught me to unmask the character, dialogue with her, learn her needs and intent, and eventually, rescue her inner child and heal her from the ugliness of who she had become.
This dissipated a huge burden of negative pressure, a heaviness and darkness inside me; I could feel the release on an energetic level. The Nazi was no longer whipping me!
As I moved into recovery mode and prepared for chemotherapy, I began to waver about doing chemo. I began to think of just using hypnosis to heal, and take the slower, more natural, and gradual route to healing, without further medical intervention. It was a difficult choice, but an important one that I took time to make. I spoke to many people and many survivors. My conclusion was clear. Let the chemo do the heavy lifting—clearing out the cancer cells that were left. And let the hypnosis do the inner clearing, so that cancer never would return.
The next steps in my healing involved different uses of hypnosis. One more session with a hypnotist to prepare for the onslaught of chemo was very important and helpful. In this session, we prepped the body to welcome the chemicals and direct them to the unwanted cancer cells. We also thanked and said goodbye to the cancer.
As I understood more about the effects and damage of chemo, I created tapes to listen to before, during and after each chemo session. These tapes included suggestions for directing the chemicals to the out-of-control cancer cells, while providing protection for the healthy cells, and suggesting quick cleansing of all chemicals and all cancer cells from my body.
I feel that these tapes helped me get through the difficulties of chemo with, perhaps, less damage than I would have incurred without these positive suggestions to my mind and body.
But I was not done yet.
During the healing process, a new, very impenetrable part of me had shown up in my inner world. A part so damaged, so scary, and so toxic, I could clear it on my own. This time, I went to an Alchemical Hypnotherapist who specializes in past life clearings. We were able to find the thread of many linked lifetimes in which this part was dis-empowered, cut off from her divine nature and in deep conflict with family members in my present life.
I have been symptom-free now for 2 years. My health and energy are restored. But more importantly, this healing completed a major shift in my inner world. Now I feel a new lightness of being that has helped me enjoy life in a happier, more present, more carefree way.
When the diagnosis is cancer, there are many important decisions to make. None is more important than: do I want to live? If you want to live well and live long, I strongly urge you to do your clearing on all planes: mental, physical, emotional and spiritual.
The doctors recommended immediate surgery, both a hysterectomy and debulking the cancer, which had spread to the surrounding organs. They told me after I recovered from surgery that we would embark upon 6 months of chemotherapy.
My first reaction was to resist this harsh treatment. After all, I wanted to look for alternative ways to heal. The research was clear, however. By the time ovarian cancer is at stage 3, your best chance of survival comes from taking the proven poison: surgery plus chemo as a means to clear out the physical problem. But I knew that to be assured of surviving this especially dangerous enemy, I would have to clear out the underlying causes of disease on the emotional, mental, and spiritual planes.
I turned to the most potent inner clearing work I knew: Alchemical Hypnosis. If there was any truth to my deep seated belief, that there is an underlying emotional issue underneath any illness, I was determined to clear that in the most effective way possible.
I began immediately. I set up appointments with my favorite hypnotist/Alchemical Hypnosis healer. She helped prepare me for surgery as well as clear out a deep layer of stuck energy in my ovaries. Little did I realize, until our session, that I was still holding sadness, resentment and anger there, from a trauma 16 years earlier.
After surgery, and for many weeks of recuperation, I was able to use self-hypnosis and self-alchemy, as I am an experienced Alchemist. I contacted and cleared a nasty inner-Nazi task-master. This was a past life part; imagine - I was carrying around an inner ‘slave-driver’ who was punishing me for not doing more with my life!!! Alchemy taught me to unmask the character, dialogue with her, learn her needs and intent, and eventually, rescue her inner child and heal her from the ugliness of who she had become.
This dissipated a huge burden of negative pressure, a heaviness and darkness inside me; I could feel the release on an energetic level. The Nazi was no longer whipping me!
As I moved into recovery mode and prepared for chemotherapy, I began to waver about doing chemo. I began to think of just using hypnosis to heal, and take the slower, more natural, and gradual route to healing, without further medical intervention. It was a difficult choice, but an important one that I took time to make. I spoke to many people and many survivors. My conclusion was clear. Let the chemo do the heavy lifting—clearing out the cancer cells that were left. And let the hypnosis do the inner clearing, so that cancer never would return.
The next steps in my healing involved different uses of hypnosis. One more session with a hypnotist to prepare for the onslaught of chemo was very important and helpful. In this session, we prepped the body to welcome the chemicals and direct them to the unwanted cancer cells. We also thanked and said goodbye to the cancer.
As I understood more about the effects and damage of chemo, I created tapes to listen to before, during and after each chemo session. These tapes included suggestions for directing the chemicals to the out-of-control cancer cells, while providing protection for the healthy cells, and suggesting quick cleansing of all chemicals and all cancer cells from my body.
I feel that these tapes helped me get through the difficulties of chemo with, perhaps, less damage than I would have incurred without these positive suggestions to my mind and body.
But I was not done yet.
During the healing process, a new, very impenetrable part of me had shown up in my inner world. A part so damaged, so scary, and so toxic, I could clear it on my own. This time, I went to an Alchemical Hypnotherapist who specializes in past life clearings. We were able to find the thread of many linked lifetimes in which this part was dis-empowered, cut off from her divine nature and in deep conflict with family members in my present life.
I have been symptom-free now for 2 years. My health and energy are restored. But more importantly, this healing completed a major shift in my inner world. Now I feel a new lightness of being that has helped me enjoy life in a happier, more present, more carefree way.
When the diagnosis is cancer, there are many important decisions to make. None is more important than: do I want to live? If you want to live well and live long, I strongly urge you to do your clearing on all planes: mental, physical, emotional and spiritual.