A Tale of Two Hearts
By David Quigley
James Alexander Fish and I have been friends for 40 years. Still it was strange that we both came down with the terrifying symptoms of heart disease at the same time. I'm 70. He's 60. But we both live active lives and had much to be thankful for with our health and relative prosperity in the midst of covid. So what a surprise!
Symptoms began for us in summer of 2020, and for me I had strange episodes where I suffered the dizzy lightheadedness that I recognized from mountaineering days as the signs of hypoxia. High altitude oxygen deprivation. Except I had never climbed THAT HIGH before! I mentioned it my Doctor, Dr. Monica Ferguson.
She listened carefully. She wisely diagnosed a possible AFib condition(Atrial Fibrillation is an irregular heartbeat that can lead to heart failure and stroke), which is not uncommon in older folks. And is often connected to weakening of the mitral valve in the heart, reducing the pumps efficiency.
She suggested that if these symptoms returned we needed to monitor my heart.
This was October. By February 2021 My overall tiredness increased and I became aware of strange heart rhythms.
All day Feb 3 I spent in bed. Just too tired to get up. Strange...
But the explosion happened too suddenly.
On Feb 4 I got out of bed dizzy. Severe enough I couldn't walk. I collapsed and passed out in the bathroom. I couldn't stand up. My airways were free. But I collapsed into bed. Too dizzy, weak, and confused to do anything. My heart was pounding strangely.
(Dr. Ferguson wisely linked these symptoms to dehydration. My inner healer had already told me that's what led to the collapse.)
My Guardian Angel Michaela then asked if I would like this fixed. Yes!
She showed me that my mitral valve had a glitch. Not able to close all the way, so blood was leaking back into the ventricle, causing a slowdown. Michaela then took my hand and placed two fingers on a spot that was hurting right above my heart. Her finger went through mine and down into the heart where in seconds she pushed the valve into place.
I had some precedent. I had seen Anyes Cartry's inner healer perform a similar operation on her mitral valve 10 years ago that had completely restored her heart function after a lifetime of mitral valve issues! She remains symptom free. ( Her story is on my website).
Then I felt my healing angel's loving hands as she did a thorough checkup on my heart's pacemaker and electrical system, which she "upgraded."
Then I fell into a deep sleep. Waking up at 2 pm, Some 4 hours later. I felt well enough to go shopping. But in the store while I was amazed to be walking with ease I was surprised to feel an odd "pop" in my otherwise normal heartbeat.
Michaela told me: "you remember I had to put a spot of glue on that mitral valve to hold the tip in position. I'll be removing it in a couple days in your sleep. Meanwhile if you could hold off on extreme activities til then."
( she knew that was a difficult request)
In 2 days I woke up to a normal heartbeat. Yes, she had removed the staple overnight.
Here are the results:
No more episodes of AFib. No more dizziness
My dance and hiking and climbing workouts have become stronger more vigorous and longer.
I have tons of new energy.
But here's the weirdest side effect of all.
I found myself feeling deep love with every student in my class. hearing their voices, feeling their pain, suddenly this old introverted fart was in love with people!! My Grinchy old heart must have grown 3 sizes that day!
This could have a simple explanation. My friend Jesus (no relation to the Christian Church) snuck up and squeezed a few drops of his blood into the mix. And he winked at me. I had no idea what that wink was about. Until class time. The next day.
So back in early March my Doctor and I agreed to do a heart sonar scope ( like they do with moms pregnancy to see her baby).
And she hooked me up with a ZIO unit.
This amazing medical device is glued to your chest by the heart. There it is constantly ready! whenever one gets a weird heart signal you push a button and it records your heart rhythm. Cool!
So I was eager to find out everything I could about my heart beat. For 11 days I was very active. Eagerly looking forward to getting an AFib signal. No symptoms. None. Getting a bit annoyed I decided to push the envelope. Doubling the time and intensity of my dance and climbing routine. And then Success! I felt my heart skip a few beats. I pushed the button. I figured if my mitral valve was stressed enough Dr. Ferguson ( an internist. Not a GP) would recognize it.
The results came back To me on Monday. April 5. Apparently there was no trace in my chart of AFib, or any heart murmur. But her reading did show one puzzling element. Here are her words:
"This abnormal rapid beat is not anything we see in older people. It's most common among young healthy athletes who are pushing their bodies too hard in a sport or fitness contest."
Uh. Yeah. guilty. That's exactly what I was doing! Except I'm not a young athlete. I'm an old man of 70.
Well what's it feel like to have the throbbing heart of a teenager in this old body?
Pretty good! You can imagine.
But this story is only half over.
James's heart started failing when mine did. But it was weeks before either of us broke down and confessed the pain we were in to each other. (Men! How annoying!) But while our symptoms were similar, his problem needed stronger medicine.
He and I performed a spiritual surgery in an Alchemical hypnosis process. We had a drum and a tape of native music along with other sacred objects. Essential oils of fir and sage set the internal stage, a sacred circle in A deep red rock canyon of the southwest.
In trance we called upon James' inner healer Gray Wolf, an ancient native American shaman. (James has been a shaman of the red road for 40 years. It is the secret of his powerful Golf teaching, "Eagle Eye Golf Coaching."
Gray Wolf told James some important personal changes he needed to make in his life. With those changes promised , White Buffalo Woman told him we would need MEDICAL heart surgery.
Second opinion? I ask. ...
Grey Wolf nods.
Then Grey Wolf did a quick rehearsal of that surgical procedure in which he used an eagle feather to blow healing breath through 2 arteries which he said were clogged. All this while the drums of native America beat in the background of James' medicine lodge.
Simultaneously, the doctors scalpel under the hot lights of surgery were guided by unseen hands ... And the quill of the eagle. We used many of the procedures for medical surgeries from my training as well as the unique gifts of Gray Wolf. (See "Healing The Body" in the Alchemy Institute Library)
Next day he went for surgery. the doctors discovered two blocked cardiac arteries. They had to put in stints. James was told he could have been only weeks from a major heart attack.
Gray Wolf showed up for the surgery to guide the surgeons well trained hands. And Mother Mary and White Buffalo Woman helped keep his body safe and comfortable ... Reducing the need for anesthesia. And recovery?
Within 24 hours of his surgery and against all advice, including mine, James was off to a fun vacation with his girl friend.
Oh. Grey Wolf gave him the nod. Never mind. We could see the color returned to his cheeks and strength return to his voice. Another amazing outcome!
Both of us are still in recovery and appreciate all of your prayers and support.
Great Spirit, Let us never forget you. And the healing's you and your angels offer. Both angels from heaven and medical angels on Earth.
James Alexander Fish and I have been friends for 40 years. Still it was strange that we both came down with the terrifying symptoms of heart disease at the same time. I'm 70. He's 60. But we both live active lives and had much to be thankful for with our health and relative prosperity in the midst of covid. So what a surprise!
Symptoms began for us in summer of 2020, and for me I had strange episodes where I suffered the dizzy lightheadedness that I recognized from mountaineering days as the signs of hypoxia. High altitude oxygen deprivation. Except I had never climbed THAT HIGH before! I mentioned it my Doctor, Dr. Monica Ferguson.
She listened carefully. She wisely diagnosed a possible AFib condition(Atrial Fibrillation is an irregular heartbeat that can lead to heart failure and stroke), which is not uncommon in older folks. And is often connected to weakening of the mitral valve in the heart, reducing the pumps efficiency.
She suggested that if these symptoms returned we needed to monitor my heart.
This was October. By February 2021 My overall tiredness increased and I became aware of strange heart rhythms.
All day Feb 3 I spent in bed. Just too tired to get up. Strange...
But the explosion happened too suddenly.
On Feb 4 I got out of bed dizzy. Severe enough I couldn't walk. I collapsed and passed out in the bathroom. I couldn't stand up. My airways were free. But I collapsed into bed. Too dizzy, weak, and confused to do anything. My heart was pounding strangely.
(Dr. Ferguson wisely linked these symptoms to dehydration. My inner healer had already told me that's what led to the collapse.)
My Guardian Angel Michaela then asked if I would like this fixed. Yes!
She showed me that my mitral valve had a glitch. Not able to close all the way, so blood was leaking back into the ventricle, causing a slowdown. Michaela then took my hand and placed two fingers on a spot that was hurting right above my heart. Her finger went through mine and down into the heart where in seconds she pushed the valve into place.
I had some precedent. I had seen Anyes Cartry's inner healer perform a similar operation on her mitral valve 10 years ago that had completely restored her heart function after a lifetime of mitral valve issues! She remains symptom free. ( Her story is on my website).
Then I felt my healing angel's loving hands as she did a thorough checkup on my heart's pacemaker and electrical system, which she "upgraded."
Then I fell into a deep sleep. Waking up at 2 pm, Some 4 hours later. I felt well enough to go shopping. But in the store while I was amazed to be walking with ease I was surprised to feel an odd "pop" in my otherwise normal heartbeat.
Michaela told me: "you remember I had to put a spot of glue on that mitral valve to hold the tip in position. I'll be removing it in a couple days in your sleep. Meanwhile if you could hold off on extreme activities til then."
( she knew that was a difficult request)
In 2 days I woke up to a normal heartbeat. Yes, she had removed the staple overnight.
Here are the results:
No more episodes of AFib. No more dizziness
My dance and hiking and climbing workouts have become stronger more vigorous and longer.
I have tons of new energy.
But here's the weirdest side effect of all.
I found myself feeling deep love with every student in my class. hearing their voices, feeling their pain, suddenly this old introverted fart was in love with people!! My Grinchy old heart must have grown 3 sizes that day!
This could have a simple explanation. My friend Jesus (no relation to the Christian Church) snuck up and squeezed a few drops of his blood into the mix. And he winked at me. I had no idea what that wink was about. Until class time. The next day.
So back in early March my Doctor and I agreed to do a heart sonar scope ( like they do with moms pregnancy to see her baby).
And she hooked me up with a ZIO unit.
This amazing medical device is glued to your chest by the heart. There it is constantly ready! whenever one gets a weird heart signal you push a button and it records your heart rhythm. Cool!
So I was eager to find out everything I could about my heart beat. For 11 days I was very active. Eagerly looking forward to getting an AFib signal. No symptoms. None. Getting a bit annoyed I decided to push the envelope. Doubling the time and intensity of my dance and climbing routine. And then Success! I felt my heart skip a few beats. I pushed the button. I figured if my mitral valve was stressed enough Dr. Ferguson ( an internist. Not a GP) would recognize it.
The results came back To me on Monday. April 5. Apparently there was no trace in my chart of AFib, or any heart murmur. But her reading did show one puzzling element. Here are her words:
"This abnormal rapid beat is not anything we see in older people. It's most common among young healthy athletes who are pushing their bodies too hard in a sport or fitness contest."
Uh. Yeah. guilty. That's exactly what I was doing! Except I'm not a young athlete. I'm an old man of 70.
Well what's it feel like to have the throbbing heart of a teenager in this old body?
Pretty good! You can imagine.
But this story is only half over.
James's heart started failing when mine did. But it was weeks before either of us broke down and confessed the pain we were in to each other. (Men! How annoying!) But while our symptoms were similar, his problem needed stronger medicine.
He and I performed a spiritual surgery in an Alchemical hypnosis process. We had a drum and a tape of native music along with other sacred objects. Essential oils of fir and sage set the internal stage, a sacred circle in A deep red rock canyon of the southwest.
In trance we called upon James' inner healer Gray Wolf, an ancient native American shaman. (James has been a shaman of the red road for 40 years. It is the secret of his powerful Golf teaching, "Eagle Eye Golf Coaching."
Gray Wolf told James some important personal changes he needed to make in his life. With those changes promised , White Buffalo Woman told him we would need MEDICAL heart surgery.
Second opinion? I ask. ...
Grey Wolf nods.
Then Grey Wolf did a quick rehearsal of that surgical procedure in which he used an eagle feather to blow healing breath through 2 arteries which he said were clogged. All this while the drums of native America beat in the background of James' medicine lodge.
Simultaneously, the doctors scalpel under the hot lights of surgery were guided by unseen hands ... And the quill of the eagle. We used many of the procedures for medical surgeries from my training as well as the unique gifts of Gray Wolf. (See "Healing The Body" in the Alchemy Institute Library)
Next day he went for surgery. the doctors discovered two blocked cardiac arteries. They had to put in stints. James was told he could have been only weeks from a major heart attack.
Gray Wolf showed up for the surgery to guide the surgeons well trained hands. And Mother Mary and White Buffalo Woman helped keep his body safe and comfortable ... Reducing the need for anesthesia. And recovery?
Within 24 hours of his surgery and against all advice, including mine, James was off to a fun vacation with his girl friend.
Oh. Grey Wolf gave him the nod. Never mind. We could see the color returned to his cheeks and strength return to his voice. Another amazing outcome!
Both of us are still in recovery and appreciate all of your prayers and support.
Great Spirit, Let us never forget you. And the healing's you and your angels offer. Both angels from heaven and medical angels on Earth.