THE ANTI-CANCER DIET: Secrets hidden in the dark, exposed by science you must learn
The ancient Alchemists are often described as attempting to turn lead into gold. Actually, a careful analysis of their writings reveals that their prima materia was the blackest and most malodorous of substances, reviled by all, from which they would extract the golden elixir of youth in their secret laboratories
For those just arrived from another planet, that would be fecal matter. Poop. And some of you may be wondering after last week's article about rat poop
(free gifts in every cigarette) why I have to be wading into that...topic again
I must!
Your family's ability to survive the growing cancer epidemic may well hinge on your willingness to follow me into the stinking abyss of...modern medical greed and corruption.
And there discover with me the true purpose of the human colon. Not to store shit, but to build longevity and fight cancer.
Like the ancient alchemists said.
But don't believe me. Let's examine the science.
For information on the secret emotional and mental causes of cancer, something else your Doctor won't tell you,and how to clear them click here
If you had the sort of science education I had in the twentieth century, you learned that the large intestine was..
full of shit.
The small intestine was where digestion and absorption occurred. The residual matter, much of it indigestible vegetable fiber, was compacted, water absorbed, and then excreted by the colon.
The purpose of this indigestible fiber? Some bulky packaging to power your poop to pass more peacefully into the potty. Seriously!
And that skinny pouch beneath the colon? The appendix. Well, by definition a useless appendage.
And cancer? Well, we know that in primitive countries where people eat mostly plant fiber there is almost no cancer. We also know that as soon as they enter the USA and begin eating our low fiber, low vegetable diet, their cancer rates skyrocket quickly to the all American standard.
But until recently, we didn't know why. Now we do.
It turns out science was wrong about the colon. Wrong about indigestible plant fiber.
Indeed it was their own theories that proved to be full of...well, you know.
It turns out that the fecal matter in your colon is being worked on in dark fermentation tanks in the airless depths of the bowel by tiny colonic bacteria, who perform the Alchemy of transformation that distills youth from aging and death. Their unknown production of vitamins, distilled from plant fiber, protect the body from cancer, arthritis, dementia, allergies, autoimmune diseases and a host of other conditions of aging.
But if we give these secret elves of the dark too little fiber, too much toxic meat protein, antibiotics and other drugs, chemical pesticides, additives, etc. they will die.
And then, a little more do we.
But don't trust your doctors to know any of this. Most have no interest in nutritional science, which they generally regard as irrelevant to their treatment protocols. They could lose their licenses for even talking about a diet that prevents and cures cancer. Their handlers would rather you eat a cancer causing American diet, one that could have been designed to grow tumors! That's to maximize the profits of the meat and dairy industry.
Then when the disease hits, which it will, in nearly every American family,
you exhaust your families fiscal and emotional resources in toxic rounds of surgery, radiation, and chemical maximize the profits of the pharmaceutical industries who control our medical systems, our media, and our government.
It's like one oncologist told me recently at the NGH Conference :
"None of my colleagues will refer any cancer patient to you, regardless of your success, until all of their patient's money, their credit, and their insurance is spent. After that we don't care."
So your Doctors cannot tell you the truth. But decades of scientific study in the high fiber diets of primitive cultures proves the power of these bacteria. We can even name the species.
Their names, and the decades of science involved, are all there in these books:
10% Human: How Your Body's Microbes Hold the Key to Health and Happiness By Allana Collen
The China Study: Revised and Expanded Edition: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss, and Long-Term Health By T. Colin Cambell
>Next Post: Why Does Your Body Welcome Cancer
<Previous Post: The Activist Cancer Patient
The ancient Alchemists are often described as attempting to turn lead into gold. Actually, a careful analysis of their writings reveals that their prima materia was the blackest and most malodorous of substances, reviled by all, from which they would extract the golden elixir of youth in their secret laboratories
For those just arrived from another planet, that would be fecal matter. Poop. And some of you may be wondering after last week's article about rat poop
(free gifts in every cigarette) why I have to be wading into that...topic again
I must!
Your family's ability to survive the growing cancer epidemic may well hinge on your willingness to follow me into the stinking abyss of...modern medical greed and corruption.
And there discover with me the true purpose of the human colon. Not to store shit, but to build longevity and fight cancer.
Like the ancient alchemists said.
But don't believe me. Let's examine the science.
For information on the secret emotional and mental causes of cancer, something else your Doctor won't tell you,and how to clear them click here
If you had the sort of science education I had in the twentieth century, you learned that the large intestine was..
full of shit.
The small intestine was where digestion and absorption occurred. The residual matter, much of it indigestible vegetable fiber, was compacted, water absorbed, and then excreted by the colon.
The purpose of this indigestible fiber? Some bulky packaging to power your poop to pass more peacefully into the potty. Seriously!
And that skinny pouch beneath the colon? The appendix. Well, by definition a useless appendage.
And cancer? Well, we know that in primitive countries where people eat mostly plant fiber there is almost no cancer. We also know that as soon as they enter the USA and begin eating our low fiber, low vegetable diet, their cancer rates skyrocket quickly to the all American standard.
But until recently, we didn't know why. Now we do.
It turns out science was wrong about the colon. Wrong about indigestible plant fiber.
Indeed it was their own theories that proved to be full of...well, you know.
It turns out that the fecal matter in your colon is being worked on in dark fermentation tanks in the airless depths of the bowel by tiny colonic bacteria, who perform the Alchemy of transformation that distills youth from aging and death. Their unknown production of vitamins, distilled from plant fiber, protect the body from cancer, arthritis, dementia, allergies, autoimmune diseases and a host of other conditions of aging.
But if we give these secret elves of the dark too little fiber, too much toxic meat protein, antibiotics and other drugs, chemical pesticides, additives, etc. they will die.
And then, a little more do we.
But don't trust your doctors to know any of this. Most have no interest in nutritional science, which they generally regard as irrelevant to their treatment protocols. They could lose their licenses for even talking about a diet that prevents and cures cancer. Their handlers would rather you eat a cancer causing American diet, one that could have been designed to grow tumors! That's to maximize the profits of the meat and dairy industry.
Then when the disease hits, which it will, in nearly every American family,
you exhaust your families fiscal and emotional resources in toxic rounds of surgery, radiation, and chemical maximize the profits of the pharmaceutical industries who control our medical systems, our media, and our government.
It's like one oncologist told me recently at the NGH Conference :
"None of my colleagues will refer any cancer patient to you, regardless of your success, until all of their patient's money, their credit, and their insurance is spent. After that we don't care."
So your Doctors cannot tell you the truth. But decades of scientific study in the high fiber diets of primitive cultures proves the power of these bacteria. We can even name the species.
Their names, and the decades of science involved, are all there in these books:
10% Human: How Your Body's Microbes Hold the Key to Health and Happiness By Allana Collen
The China Study: Revised and Expanded Edition: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss, and Long-Term Health By T. Colin Cambell
>Next Post: Why Does Your Body Welcome Cancer
<Previous Post: The Activist Cancer Patient