Irrational fears are often rooted in past life trauma. Healing occurs by bringing the past life memory to the present using hypnotic guidance, followed by cathartic release through expression of emotions such as anger, grief and remorse. This process can permanently discharge the fear unlike any other technique or healing method available. ■ Go to Healing Past Life Trauma |
Alchemical Hypnosis offers a Past Life Regression technique that gives the ability to summon knowledge and creative skills developed in past lives without the need for repeated hypnotic sessions. This technique is designed to bring together and merge talents and abilities of the past life personality with the present self. ■ Go to Discovering Your Creative Abilities |
Past Life Regression can result in the knowledge of terrible things done to others in former lives. Through the OVERT ACTS PROCESS, you can discover the original karmic transgression, atone and alleviate the problems that can result from it such as chronic illness, relationship issues and financial adversity. ■ Go to Healing Karmic Transgressions |
Past life relationship contracts can be recognized by a profound and unique sense of familiarity in a relationship. A key component in these relationships is a promise made between the two persons. These relationships can be loving and stable, but sometimes they are troublesome and obsessive. Alchemical Past Life Regression explores the original promise made, its consequences and if and how the contract can be changed or terminated. ■ Go to Clearing Past Life Relationship Contracts |
When there is an inability to change persistent patterns of suffering, or if one is seeking a destiny or sense of purpose in life, an exploration of the pre-conception contract can be very useful. Through Alchemical Past Life Regression techniques, it is possible to become aware of the unique conditions that were "set up" for this life and if necessary, modify the "contract" in some way. ■ Go to Changing Pre-Conception Contracts |
David Almeida, a contemporary mystic, knew early on that he had a past life association with Arthur Waite, the 19th Century British occultist and leader of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. As David wasn't able to assimilate the relationship properly, he decided to train in Alchemical Past Life Regression and also immerse himself in several private Hypnosis sessions. Thanks to these efforts David's life experienced a radical turn and he was able to integrate Waite's personality successfully into his greater consciousness and it now acts as a spirit guide for David.
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