What Is Alchemical Hypnosis
Alchemical Hypnosis is an interactive trance process that goes to the root of all kinds of emotional, physical and mental problems and facilitates transformation by guiding clients to access their own, positive inner resources. The techniques, developed over 30+ years of practice, bring together many of the best elements of Gestalt sub-personality work, inner child recovery, Carl Jung's archetypes and emotional release work.
Hypnosis is used to bypass the conscious mind and to access the wisdom of the subconscious, where all our memories and core beliefs about ourselves are stored. The word Alchemy is used to describe the process of transforming the lead of emotional debris in the basement of our psyche, into the gold of self-realization. The word "trance" has many unwelcome popular connotations in the media and in the entertainment world that do not apply to Alchemical Hypnosis or Alchemical Hypnotherapy; the most prevalent image today being of stage hypnotists such as Paul McKenna. This kind of hypnosis, although very clever, bears no resemblance to the therapeutic kind.
We all experience some kind of hypnosis or trance state everyday: watching TV, getting lost in a good movie or a book, or driving and suddenly realizing we cannot remember how we got from A to B. Alchemical Hypnotherapy uses 'interactive trance', a state of deep relaxation where the client is always conscious and, most importantly, in control of what happens. Clients are free to accept or reject any suggestion; the Alchemical Hypnotherapist is simply the travel guide on this journey, and although the hypnotherapist may get a sense of what is happening at certain points, we rely on the client's feedback so that we can work together to resolve whatever situations arise.
To induce trance the hypnotherapist simply uses the voice. The client is usually lying down with their eyes closed, while the hypnotherapist guides them through a body relaxation, then maybe a guided visualization such as a walk through woods or along a beach, and from that point we journey back to the root cause of the issue. The wonderful advantage of hypnotherapy is that for the client there is nothing to do to get to the root of their problem, other than to sink into relaxation in order to allow the subconscious to take them to the most relevant place. As well as being easy and extremely pleasant, this can bypass all the speculation, talking, analyzing and working things out that the conscious mind is so fond of.
Hypnosis is used to bypass the conscious mind and to access the wisdom of the subconscious, where all our memories and core beliefs about ourselves are stored. The word Alchemy is used to describe the process of transforming the lead of emotional debris in the basement of our psyche, into the gold of self-realization. The word "trance" has many unwelcome popular connotations in the media and in the entertainment world that do not apply to Alchemical Hypnosis or Alchemical Hypnotherapy; the most prevalent image today being of stage hypnotists such as Paul McKenna. This kind of hypnosis, although very clever, bears no resemblance to the therapeutic kind.
We all experience some kind of hypnosis or trance state everyday: watching TV, getting lost in a good movie or a book, or driving and suddenly realizing we cannot remember how we got from A to B. Alchemical Hypnotherapy uses 'interactive trance', a state of deep relaxation where the client is always conscious and, most importantly, in control of what happens. Clients are free to accept or reject any suggestion; the Alchemical Hypnotherapist is simply the travel guide on this journey, and although the hypnotherapist may get a sense of what is happening at certain points, we rely on the client's feedback so that we can work together to resolve whatever situations arise.
To induce trance the hypnotherapist simply uses the voice. The client is usually lying down with their eyes closed, while the hypnotherapist guides them through a body relaxation, then maybe a guided visualization such as a walk through woods or along a beach, and from that point we journey back to the root cause of the issue. The wonderful advantage of hypnotherapy is that for the client there is nothing to do to get to the root of their problem, other than to sink into relaxation in order to allow the subconscious to take them to the most relevant place. As well as being easy and extremely pleasant, this can bypass all the speculation, talking, analyzing and working things out that the conscious mind is so fond of.
How The Subconscious Works
The power of the subconscious becomes apparent when we notice erratic or illogical behavior in our own lives that we want to stop, but cannot stop, the most obvious examples being phobias and obsessive-compulsive disorders. Many phobias are the result of a simple but, for a young child, very frightening incident that the child was simply unable to resolve at the time. Yet, many of us hold debilitating and negative beliefs about ourselves that we carry at a deep cellular level, so much so that, in some cases (not all by any means) it can be translated into physical disease. As a young child our parents and caretakers are our world. Mummy or Daddy may not have told us in so many words that we were worthless and undeserving of attention, but if we were repeatedly ignored and treated disrespectfully as young children, then we will have come to that conclusion by ourselves.
That wounded part of us becomes hidden and frozen in time until it is re-triggered, often through being in a co-dependent relationship for example, when suddenly we have the ideal projection screen for all those unresolved feelings of hurt and rejection and also our unrequited love. Inner Child child work is a key element of Alchemical Hypnosis. For example, giving the suggestion: "let's go back to the first time you learned to be afraid of performing in public" is how we reach the inner child, or that wounded, frightened part of us who was never in the position to be able to resolve and clear those feelings.
It is at this point that the child is made safe and that old, unresolved feelings can be released. The incident or memory can then be re-played in a new way that is empowering to the client. Once safety is secured the child will need loving re-parenting and reassurance, which comes either from the adult self or from finding new inner parents or guides in the inner world, who the child can also work with in daily life. The advantage of this work is that it replaces the powerlessness felt as a child that continues to hold the adult self back, with new loving inner resources. The client's child-self feels the presence of these loving inner guides very much as a physical body experience and from where new positive self-beliefs start forming very naturally. This healing experience is then linked to the present problem or situation in the client's life, so that whenever it re-occurs, the client automatically reconnects with this positive experience.
As we work with the subconscious, we start to meet images from the collective unconscious and the archetypal energies which we can all tap into, as they are part of our collective culture. Carl Jung, the originator of archetype theory, named the inner child as the homunculus and the inner mate, or the inner man/inner woman, as the anima and animus. In Alchemical Hypnosis working with the inner mother and inner father is very healing for the traumatized inner child. People find inner guides that correspond directly to their own frame of reference and spiritual beliefs. For example, Christians often experience the presence of Jesus or Mother Mary as strong healing forces and protectors. For other people the experience may be more mundane than religious, but just as meaningful. Childhood fairy tale heroes and even characters from Star Trek have been known to show up. The process can often be fun and quite delightful for the inner child.
That wounded part of us becomes hidden and frozen in time until it is re-triggered, often through being in a co-dependent relationship for example, when suddenly we have the ideal projection screen for all those unresolved feelings of hurt and rejection and also our unrequited love. Inner Child child work is a key element of Alchemical Hypnosis. For example, giving the suggestion: "let's go back to the first time you learned to be afraid of performing in public" is how we reach the inner child, or that wounded, frightened part of us who was never in the position to be able to resolve and clear those feelings.
It is at this point that the child is made safe and that old, unresolved feelings can be released. The incident or memory can then be re-played in a new way that is empowering to the client. Once safety is secured the child will need loving re-parenting and reassurance, which comes either from the adult self or from finding new inner parents or guides in the inner world, who the child can also work with in daily life. The advantage of this work is that it replaces the powerlessness felt as a child that continues to hold the adult self back, with new loving inner resources. The client's child-self feels the presence of these loving inner guides very much as a physical body experience and from where new positive self-beliefs start forming very naturally. This healing experience is then linked to the present problem or situation in the client's life, so that whenever it re-occurs, the client automatically reconnects with this positive experience.
As we work with the subconscious, we start to meet images from the collective unconscious and the archetypal energies which we can all tap into, as they are part of our collective culture. Carl Jung, the originator of archetype theory, named the inner child as the homunculus and the inner mate, or the inner man/inner woman, as the anima and animus. In Alchemical Hypnosis working with the inner mother and inner father is very healing for the traumatized inner child. People find inner guides that correspond directly to their own frame of reference and spiritual beliefs. For example, Christians often experience the presence of Jesus or Mother Mary as strong healing forces and protectors. For other people the experience may be more mundane than religious, but just as meaningful. Childhood fairy tale heroes and even characters from Star Trek have been known to show up. The process can often be fun and quite delightful for the inner child.
Practical Applications
There is always a reason or a root cause behind every behavior no matter how bizarre it may seem to the logical mind and if you give a specific enough suggestion to the subconscious mind, it will always take you to the relevant memory - as long as it is safe and appropriate to do so. (The subconscious is also very good at guarding certain places until the time is right.) Because of this Alchemical Hypnosis can be effective for a whole range of issues, and is particularly helpful for medically diagnosed depression. In such cases there is often a long history of dis-empowering experiences that have led the client to give up on life. Corresponding to that is usually a lot of 'pressed down' feelings that the client simply has not had the resources to deal with. Although medication is useful - and can be life-saving or a stop-gap measure, medication alone does not lead to long-term resolution. People often relapse when medication is stopped, but with Alchemical Hypnosis therapy a long-term emotional change is possible.
Alchemical Hypnosis is effective for habits and phobias, which are usually very straight-forward to deal with. Eating disorders, body image and issues around food always, in my experience, have a subconscious root. There are many complex reasons for over eating, but the prime ones are stuffing down painful feelings (comfort eating), and lack of primary nurturing. Often there is an unmet craving for love, or a need for control in ones life. Similarly, with addictions, there is usually a need or gaping hole in the person's life that they are trying to fill (which is why when people give up smoking they often eat more to compensate). Alcohol in particular is used to self-medicate, escape or placate angry or painful feelings.
Alchemical Hypnosis is effective for habits and phobias, which are usually very straight-forward to deal with. Eating disorders, body image and issues around food always, in my experience, have a subconscious root. There are many complex reasons for over eating, but the prime ones are stuffing down painful feelings (comfort eating), and lack of primary nurturing. Often there is an unmet craving for love, or a need for control in ones life. Similarly, with addictions, there is usually a need or gaping hole in the person's life that they are trying to fill (which is why when people give up smoking they often eat more to compensate). Alcohol in particular is used to self-medicate, escape or placate angry or painful feelings.
Discovering The Emotional Roots Of Disease
One of the more fascinating aspects is discovering emotional root causes of disease. One client had had his thyroid removed during cancer treatment. When we went to visit this part of his body we found a precocious, highly expressive, irrepressible, attention-seeking little boy. The client found this rather shocking because his adult self experienced phobic reactions around eating in public and performing on stage as a musician. We found that for his own survival as a child he had repressed many of his needs and ways of expressing himself, and it is interesting to note that the illness happened to be in his throat, the center of expression.
Another important element of Alchemical Hypnosis is that it enables us to complete communication with significant others on a 'soul level', to clear out and express feelings to the appropriate person without them having to know anything about it on the physical plane of day to day reality. A client whose lover had left him and also left the country without explanation, was in shock, turmoil and distress. The meeting between them in trance was extremely touching and brought him a completely new understanding and acceptance of the situation. It also seemed to me that the love between them strengthened considerably, even if it was not possible for them to be physically together at that time. Completing communication in this way is also very effective for resolving childhood issues with abusive parents or caregivers.
Some of the deepest work goes back beyond the womb into past lives. Clients sometimes move spontaneously into a past life regression after all the known experiences regarding a certain issue have been processed. Are past lives real? It may be a metaphorical experience of the subconscious costuming an issue in order to finally reach resolution. Whichever angle we choose to believe, if it works, then, quite frankly, who cares?
Resolving issues from the time in the womb can be very powerful sessions. One client with had a terror of "being got rid of" which was being triggered by her current relationship. In trance she returned to her embryonic stage in the womb where her mother had tried to abort her and it was here that she learned very clearly that she was 'not welcome'. During the session a new mother appeared, a person very meaningful to the client, and offered to give her the nurturing and welcoming start in life that she needed. The client then re-lived the experience of being carried in a loving mother's womb, being born and being welcomed into the world. This brought her a whole new experience of being at home and knowing she has a place in the world.
Another important element of Alchemical Hypnosis is that it enables us to complete communication with significant others on a 'soul level', to clear out and express feelings to the appropriate person without them having to know anything about it on the physical plane of day to day reality. A client whose lover had left him and also left the country without explanation, was in shock, turmoil and distress. The meeting between them in trance was extremely touching and brought him a completely new understanding and acceptance of the situation. It also seemed to me that the love between them strengthened considerably, even if it was not possible for them to be physically together at that time. Completing communication in this way is also very effective for resolving childhood issues with abusive parents or caregivers.
Some of the deepest work goes back beyond the womb into past lives. Clients sometimes move spontaneously into a past life regression after all the known experiences regarding a certain issue have been processed. Are past lives real? It may be a metaphorical experience of the subconscious costuming an issue in order to finally reach resolution. Whichever angle we choose to believe, if it works, then, quite frankly, who cares?
Resolving issues from the time in the womb can be very powerful sessions. One client with had a terror of "being got rid of" which was being triggered by her current relationship. In trance she returned to her embryonic stage in the womb where her mother had tried to abort her and it was here that she learned very clearly that she was 'not welcome'. During the session a new mother appeared, a person very meaningful to the client, and offered to give her the nurturing and welcoming start in life that she needed. The client then re-lived the experience of being carried in a loving mother's womb, being born and being welcomed into the world. This brought her a whole new experience of being at home and knowing she has a place in the world.
Discovering Our Sub-Personalities
Working with the sub-personalities is especially useful for split decisions and inner conflict. 'Conference Room' is a technique for accessing all those inner voices and bringing them into alignment. The hypnotherapist might suggest that we go down to meet all those parts of the client that have an opinion on the particular issue and suggest a circular meeting place such as a conference table or campfire. It is quite fascinating to notice how similar the constellation of sub-personalities is around the table. Almost always there is some kind of judge or authoritative figure sitting at the 12 o'clock position, with the adult self and inner child or children sitting opposite.
Most of us have some kind of rebel personality, a victim, a rescuer, a Mr or Ms Together to name but a few in our inner world. Sometimes the arguments can be very animated. All the sub-personalities are parts of the person's psyche being communicated to us by the subconscious, and in a Conference Room session it is possible to meet each part, ensure that their needs are met and bring the table to agreement or resolution of an issue. Even though we may logically think we are in the driving seat of our lives, it is the core beliefs of the subconscious that are truly driving us, almost always without us even being aware of it. Our unresolved emotional baggage has a nasty habit of seeping out in inappropriate ways until we face, express and resolve it.
Meanwhile, many of us have become adept at beating ourselves up for irrational behavior, or not having enough 'will power' to kick certain habits. Yet, once the root causes of the presenting issues are resolved, the habits let go of you, without any effort on your part whatsoever, like a dead leaf falling from a tree. Change then happens so naturally and smoothly that often clients report how, months later, they think back to their original problem with statements like, "I can't believe that used to bother me."
The core message can be summed up very neatly by the Zen teacher Cheri Huber: "There is nothing wrong with you. But there may be a great deal wrong with what you have learned to believe about yourself."
>> Back To Healing Disease
Most of us have some kind of rebel personality, a victim, a rescuer, a Mr or Ms Together to name but a few in our inner world. Sometimes the arguments can be very animated. All the sub-personalities are parts of the person's psyche being communicated to us by the subconscious, and in a Conference Room session it is possible to meet each part, ensure that their needs are met and bring the table to agreement or resolution of an issue. Even though we may logically think we are in the driving seat of our lives, it is the core beliefs of the subconscious that are truly driving us, almost always without us even being aware of it. Our unresolved emotional baggage has a nasty habit of seeping out in inappropriate ways until we face, express and resolve it.
Meanwhile, many of us have become adept at beating ourselves up for irrational behavior, or not having enough 'will power' to kick certain habits. Yet, once the root causes of the presenting issues are resolved, the habits let go of you, without any effort on your part whatsoever, like a dead leaf falling from a tree. Change then happens so naturally and smoothly that often clients report how, months later, they think back to their original problem with statements like, "I can't believe that used to bother me."
The core message can be summed up very neatly by the Zen teacher Cheri Huber: "There is nothing wrong with you. But there may be a great deal wrong with what you have learned to believe about yourself."
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