CHILDHOOD TRAUMA, NEGLECT AND ABUSE carry over into our adult lives and can express in many ways such as:
Chronic Anxiety and Depression, Physical tension leading to Pain & Illness, Compulsive Eating, Unresolved Addictive Cravings, Relationship Problems and Co-dependency. EMOTIONAL CLEARING THERAPY is an Alchemical process that can rapidly heal the underlying conditions. In this course you will learn to address and transform the core issue. Working with Inner Child technology, Rescue Missions, Inner Parenting, and other radical techniques that transform and heal the wounds of trauma, abuse and neglect in one's past, with specific techniques and protocols for accessing essential love, nurturing and guidance. |
That is because the client must do more than simply examine the memories and relive them. They need to express them with the body as well as with the voice of all the emotions that have been stored in the body. Then these memories of trauma can be transformed into positive resources of safety, empowerment, love, and wisdom.
In the case of childhood memories this includes the rescue of the inner child from these traumas, and if necessary the discovery of new internal parental resources and their integration into the cells of the body with movement, Alchemical bodywork, and hypnotic suggestion. |
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